
Search results

  1. Extension Management Structure Task Force Update

    Keshock, office associate, Columbiana County; Glenn Miller, CCAO Representative, Henry County; Maggie ...

  2. Water Quality Month

    Extension has a Water Quality Team that focuses on connecting agricultural producers with the resources they ...

  3. M.I.N.E. Mentoring Program: Mentors Needed

    opportunities to connect with experienced mentors, peers, and resources within Extension and the university.  To ...

  4. Ohio Berry Field Night at OSU South Centers – Aug. 28

    Join Extension and college professionals for an Ohio Berry Field Night at OSU South Centers in Piketon on Aug. 28 (5-9 p.m.). ...

  5. Note from David Civittolo

    lives to take advantage of your earned time off so you can spend quality moments with them before they ...

  6. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Ramawatar Yadav

    science hires of Dr. Alyssa Essman (Agronomic Weed Extension) and Dr. Eugene Law (Weed Ecology), Ohio ... at Iowa State University- his Dissertation focused on "Multi-tactic ecological strategies to ... develop diverse weed management strategies based on improved knowledge of weed biology and ecology. What ...

  7. A DAY in the WOODS Program to Focus on Prescribed Fire, In-service Opportunity

    The A DAY in the WOODS Program will host a workshop titled Prescribed Fire: Ecology and ...

  8. Extension Survey to Prepare Next Generation Workforce in Agriculture and Food Systems

    pathways, and shaping future programming and training for youth interested in careers related to ...

  9. MS Program

    be required to take additional specialized courses as directed by their Student Advisory Committee ... Biology Turfgrass Science and Management Weed Ecology   Research Research  in our department focusses on ... plants and diverse aspects of their genetics, biochemistry, ecology, management, quality, utilization, ...

  10. Dr. Ram Yadav

    develop diverse weed management strategies based on improved knowledge of weed biology and ecology ...
