
Search results

  1. 2016 OSU CARES Seed Grants

    Ecology; Cynthia Dougherty, director, Office of Geriatrics and Gerontology, The Ohio State University ... Ecology, Brian Butler, program evaluation director, Family and Consumer Sciences, Program Development and ...

  2. Fairfield County- Let's Jam!

    A hands-on jam-making workshop- Participants will make strawberry jam and take home a jar! ...

  3. Seminar: Origin, domestication, evolution and differentiation of maize

    domesticated?  Where did maize domestication take place, once or several times? How did it diffuse ...

  4. "Dine In” With Us! OSU Extension Family Meal

    otherwise. Sharing a meal is so fundamental to the human experience that sometimes we take this simple task ...

  5. Take Charge of your Diabetes Reunion

    Come dine and mingle with local healthcare professionals to discover new strategies for prevention and self-management of diet related diseases. ...

  6. Deadline: SPI Visiting Scholar Exchange Program

    take place in late spring or during the summer. The SRI Committee might opt to select two proposals ...

  7. HEAL MAPPS Community Involvement

    food access and food insecurity among children and families. MAPPS connects people with place and ...

  8. ESGP Ph.D. Student Selected to Attend Global Food Security Symposium

    long-term professional connections.   “I hope to broaden my horizons within this field, with the hope of ...

  9. Gluten Free Eating Curriculum

    sources of hidden gluten potential sources of cross contact precautions to take when dining out how gluten ...

  10. Bangladeshi Graduate Student Addresses Food Insecurity in Home Country Through Research at Ohio State

    reproduce enough the sustain a population that then has the potential to threaten the ecological systems of ... ecological integrity, Alam is confident that his studies at Ohio State will better prepare him to tackle ...
