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Ohio 4-H’ers Ignite New Ideas
Parks attended Ignite to learn about STEM research, technology, and career opportunities. They worked ... considered and the next steps to help them take advantage of those options,” said Amanda Staley, Extension ... was an incredibly meaningful experience. “I was able to meet and make connections with many businesses ...
ANR Retreat
County with Punderson Manor State Park Lodge, 11755 Kinsman Rd., Newbury, OH 44065 ... tax, local bed tax and park beautification tax (sales tax exempt if paying with an OSU PCard but bring ... learn about NE Ohio Agriculture and Natural Resources, connect with new/newer ANR Extension faculty and ...
Alumni Pin Chaser 2022
context: Take this survey to stay connected with Ohio 4-H. " style="text-align: center; ... with a survey to help you stay connected. If you have not already filled out the survey, please do so ... text-decoration: none;"> Take the survey. Add paragraph: Copy: You can also like and follow us on ...
FCS All Healthy Teams Meeting
daily lives. If we understand what stresses us out and how our bodies prepare for stress, we can take ...
Cynthia Canan, Ph.D.
and connections to innovative STEM research, researchers, and events Supports research and evaluation ...
CES History
personal client relationships and connections that strengthen Extension. They will continue this wonderful ...
Celebration of Youth Auction Reminder
Wednesday, Aug. 30, at 7:30 p.m. Registering to bid takes less than a minute and requires only your name and ...
2023 Medina County Alumni Picnic
us for an fun filled alumni picnic on September 17th noon- 3:00pm at the Letha House Park. Lunch is ...
Celebration of Youth auction is open
Heading: The Celebration of Youth silent auction is open now! Copy: Take some time between now ...
Help Ohio 4-H’ers build their lifelong skills
path they take. Through project work, hands-on experiences, and unique programming such as 4-H ...