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  1. Save the Date: Farm Science Review Is Sept. 20-22

    Science Review through new innovations and take part in educational programing that offers information on ...

  2. Panel to Discuss Manure Storage Options, Benefits to Farms and Water

    them will take the stage at this year’s Manure Science Review. Co-hosted by Ohio State University’s ...

  3. Mental Health First Aid: Helping Ohio State Help Ohioans

    organizations like OSU Extension are now taking part in mental health training across the country. Already, more ...

  4. Strengths Finder

    miss out on utilizing what you do best for your organization. Participants in this workshop will take ...

  5. Chow Line: Cranberries not just for Thanksgiving

    Environmental Sciences. Note: Chow Line is taking two weeks off. Watch for the next column on Friday, Jan. 10. ...

  6. Blueberry, Brambles and Winegrape Production Workshop Offered July 15

    more widely known, growers in Ohio can take advantage of increasing consumer demand for these foods by ...

  7. Chow Line: Safety first at u-pick farms

    Martha Filipic I’m taking my children to pick-your-own farms for the first time this summer. Any ...

  8. 12 Days of Experts: A Piglet Killer on the Loose: Is Holiday Pork in Peril?

    takes place during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and prices tend to fall in the fourth ...

  9. Ohio State Webinar Series Addresses Food, Agricultural and Environmental Law Issues

    webinars can also benefit members of the agriculture community itself, who can take away information that ...

  10. Cornfield Grows Into Shape of Ohio State Logo

    Alayna DeMartini LONDON, Ohio — From the ground, it looks like just another Midwestern cornfield. Nothing special. Fly a few hundred feet above the cornfield, and a clear image comes into view: a Block O with the words “Ohio State” angled through the midd ...
