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  1. Researchers Looking for Flood-Tolerant Soybeans

    better understand the relationship between flooding and diseases, and what it takes to keep soybean ...

  2. Management Key to Getting the Most Out of Manure

    management will also be comprehensively covered during the 2008 Great Lakes Manure Handling Expo, taking ...

  3. High Yields and a Cost Savings with Liquid Manure

    share their stories about manure management. Educational demonstrations taking place during the event ...

  4. Researchers Measure Long-Term Impact of Compaction

    it's better to take steps to prevent compaction rather than run into the difficulties associated with ...

  5. OSU Extension Workshop to Explore Bioenergy Opportunities in Southern Ohio

    forests by taking what would generally be discarded and turning it into a bioenergy opportunity." ...

  6. Using Custom Rates to Show On-Farm Savings with No-Till

    no-till. Or in other words, a farmer could take an 8-bushel loss in no-till to break even with tillage. ...

  7. Ten Approaches to Achieve High Corn Yields and Improve Profits

    dry (usually late summer). • Take advantage of crop rotation—corn grown after soybeans will typically ...

  8. Recent Rains Slowing Wheat Harvest

    trickling in that vomitoxin is present in the grain, taking a bite out of producers’ profits. “So far we ...

  9. Highly Toxic Poison Hemlock a Threat in Newly Urbanized Areas

    waste areas. Flowering takes place between June and August during the second year of growth. "Very ...

  10. Getting an Early Jump on the Soybean Aphid

    continue to rise throughout the season, and what action they need to take to control the insect,” said ...
