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  1. First Energy Impacts Symposium Starts Wednesday at Ohio State

    Symposium  is taking place this Wednesday and Thursday at The Ohio State University. The event is an ...

  2. Jan. 11 Environmental Professionals Event Will Feature Ohio State’s Lonnie Thompson

    manager, Demand Side Management, Columbia Gas of Ohio. “Bowling Green Residents Take Energy Efficiency to ...

  3. Alumni

    passion over the last 20 years has been to connect research to the management of our landscapes and vice ...

  4. Environmental Science Student Symposium Is Wednesday at Ohio State

    associate in SENR. About 1,000 students a year take ENR 2100 in the classroom, while enrollment in the ...

  5. U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Graduate Research Grant Info Session

    information. The informational session will take place in Room 245 Kottman Hall from 11:30 AM – 12:30 P.M, and ...

  6. Undergraduate

    a unique department in the College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Science at OSU. While taking ...

  7. Ryan Riddle- Agricultural Systems Management Student

    rather than want?” For example, take a large grain operation and ask the question, “can we benefit from ... did I get to learn how a facility works and see a glimpse of what it takes to run one, but I was also ... project was to take our existing location and do research on going automated. The automation extends from ...

  8. Buckeyes Are Toxic to (Real) Ducks, Say Ohio State Ag Experts, But Biggest Risk May Be on Football Field

    should sicken a duck is on the football field. Ohio State’s gridiron Buckeyes take on the University of ... “Buckeyes are just too big and tough for ducks from Oregon, or anywhere else for that matter, to take on ...

  9. Summer 2014 Student Internships

    our students are engaged in during the summer. Take a moment to see where SENR students are interning ...

  10. January's EPN Program to Look at New Central Ohio Clean Water Effort

    northwest of Columbus.   The program takes place from 7:15-9:15 a.m. on Jan. 13 in Ohio State University’s ...
