
Search results

  1. SENR Masters Research Proposal Lightning Presentations

    Ecology and Survey Methodology of the Virginia Rail and Sora in Northern Ohio Federico Holm, advisor ...

  2. Ohio State Forests- a Long History of Birth and Re-Growth

    University played in the early years of the state forest system and the connections that exist today. John ...

  3. Pranietha Mudliar's Graduate Defense Seminar

    resource attributes) and institutional arrangements and how this relationship has shaped collective action ...

  4. Harrison Fried's Honors Thesis Defense

    loads, since it is harder for the fish to take up oxygen. In Lake Erie, there are instances of both high ...

  5. Creating Pollinator Habitat on Utility and Highway Rights-of-Way Webinar

    of the event. To access the webinar through a phone, iPad or other device, download the Adobe Connect ...

  6. 2015 Ohio Fish and Wildlife Conference

    ecology majors) registrations for this conference.   Students desiring to be considered for SENR payment ...

  7. Hunter Education Course

    orange in the fields for many. If you plan to hunt this fall or bring a new young hunter along, take ...

  8. Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute Session 2

    Park and runs from 9:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. Continental breakfast provided at 8:30 a.m. Learn about ...

  9. OCVN Milkweed Pod Collection Project

    2:00 pm, in the large conference room.  We'd also like to connect with partners who would be ...

  10. Emily Grover- Graduate Program Exit Seminar

    influence the emotional connections made between visitors and animals during a zoo visit. This study sought ...
