
Search results

  1. Defend Our Coffee Discussion Panel

    businesses and consumers can take to buy and live in a more sustainable manner. This will be an excellent ... actions steps they can take to fight it.  For more details, please see the attached flyer. ...

  2. Heat Stress Injuries

    relieve spasms. Take sips of water. If nausea occurs, discontinue water. Heat Exhaustion Headache, nausea, ... maintain normal temperatures.- Take multiple short breaks in a shaded area or controlled environment, ...

  3. 8 Tiny Facts About Reindeer That Click (Plus a 9th)

    antlers like a rocking chair, and connections in story and song to Santa Claus. But they don’t live wild ... Memorial, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and is included in the National Park ...

  4. How Prepared Are You for a Potential Grain Engulfment?

    travel when a roadway becomes flooded along your path. You may look for an elevator when you take your ... to head for the farmyard? Take this framework a step further and think about this in regard to ... quickly in the event of an emergency is a process that should not be overlooked. Knowledge is power. Take ...

  5. SENR Spring 2013 Seminar Listing

    Author and Tweedy/Ordway Professor Emeritus of Social Ecology and Senior Research Scholar. School of ... Science, University of Cincinnati Jan. 31 Ecological Thresholds in Human-modified Landscapes
    due to ... State University    Apr. 18 From Analog to Digital: A Lifetime in Ecology and Environmental Science ...

  6. How much does foodborne illness cost the U.S.?

    College of Education and Human Ecology, also provides an updated estimate of the total national cost of ...

  7. Autumn 2015 Undergraduate Research Opportunities

    achieve a greater understanding of forest ecology and dynamics. Interested students should email Jim Palus ...

  8. EEDS Faculty Advising Forum

    Students: this is an opportunity to connect with multiple faculty from your field, all in the same ...

  9. Possible Summer Internship with Rocky Smiley

    for students interested in stream ecology, fishes, aquatic macroinvertebrates, and conservation ...

  10. TWEL Edward Moore Thesis

    the Class III PHWH having the highest quality biotic integrity and most ecologically sensitive taxa. ... salamander species, which ecologically replace the predatory functional role of fish.   There is no ... those points (or more) similar to the shape of the frequency distribution curve and then scaled to ...
