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  1. Geomorphic Differences Between Unmined and Surface Mined Lands in Southeastern Ohio

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Matthew Pollock, MS Candidate in Ecological ...

  2. Deadline to Register for The Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute

    The Ohio Environmental Leaders Institute is now taking reservations for the 2014 workshop series. ...

  3. TWEL Adam Janke Thesis

    where active management may improve population growth rates. To understand the ecology of bobwhites in ...

  4. Rain and Frost Leave Farmers Pondering Replanting

    compelling significant numbers of farmers to reorder seeds or take measures to help their newly planted corn ... becomes depleted of oxygen. And without oxygen, a plant cannot take up nutrients from the soil or extend ...

  5. We're the Ones Who Keep it Local

    administrative and communications work, such as building and managing the new website and taking notes at each of ...

  6. Journal Information

    fields include: Journal of Agricultural, Food, and Environmental Sciences Journal of Ecology, Ecosystems ...

  7. Tree School Set for Ohio State Mansfield

    tracks will cover trees, how to take care of them, and creatures and features that rely on-- or can mess ...

  8. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    The 10th Annual CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum will take place in the Ag Admin Auditorium.  ...

  9. Tip #3- What to Bring

    with- you will want to take notes after your conversations so you can follow up afterwards. Once you ...

  10. How Climate Change became Controversial

    policy-makers to dismiss its importance—and thus the need to take action to reduce carbon emissions.  Key actors ...
