
Search results

  1. Dining with Diabetes

    Franklin / Morrow Jenny Lobb / Candace Heer /   Take Charge of your Diabetes ...

  2. Floriculture Crop Seed Quality and Seed-Handling

    6.40 7.68 8.96 30 4.61 6.14 7.68 9.22 10.75 Take-Home Message Number 1: Use High-quality Seeds and ... seed vigor.  Take-Home Message Number 2: Viability Does Not Equal Germination, and Germination Does Not ... one can do is slow down seed deterioration. Seed Storage Growers have to take into consideration two ...

  3. Pruning Erect Blackberries in the Home Garden

    you to keep your blackberry planting in good condition. Take time to observe the planting and ... pruning blackberries takes time and practice. Contact your county Extension educator for updated ... information on pruning. Make sure your blackberries are pruned each year to maintain the size and shape of the ...

  4. Initial Farm Injury Emergency Response

    injury. The first rule is to keep calm. Adrenalin can take over and a series of emotions such as panic, ... discovered. Remaining calm and taking the appropriate actions can prevent putting you or the victim in further ... & Miller, L. (1993). How to Respond to Farm Accidents. Safe Farm, Iowa State University Extension. ...

  5. Advancements in Technology for Reduction of Pesticides Used in Orchards and Vineyards

    conditions is subjective. Who takes the data—and even the same person taking the data at different times of ... satellite imagery flying small aircraft or drones to take videos or photographs of the orchard or the ... applicators to manually turn nozzles off when there are gaps between vines. Applicators also may not take the ...

  6. Substance Abuse and Incidents for Trainers and Supervisors

    While working at Miller’s nursery, he started taking speed to get going in the morning. The drugs ... using the Case Study Questions. Review the important points. Have workers take the True/False quiz to ...

  7. Summary of Hydraulic Fracturing in Ohio

    natural gas (Noble County Department of Tourism, 2004). In 1943 an article published by E. Willard Miller ... the past forty years production has been gradually declining" (Miller, 1943). Nonetheless, nearly ... Miller, E. W. (1943). Petroleum in Southeastern Ohio.  Ohio Journal of Science, 43 (3). kb ...

  8. Eating Disorders Awareness: Emotional Issues Involved With Eating Disorders

    purging through vomiting or taking laxatives, diet pills, drugs to reduce fluids, and excessive ... Socially anxious Fear of spontaneity Reluctant to take risks Practice food rituals People with Bulimia: ... Development, Volume 76, Issue 2: 166–173. Well Connected, Nidus ...

  9. Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation for Management of Soilborne Diseases in Midwestern Vegetable Production

    HYG-3315 Agriculture and Natural Resources 12/04/2017 Anna L. Testen and Sally A. Miller ... step takes at least 4 hours and usually takes longer depending on soil type. Soil should be irrigated ...

  10. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants in Ohio Forests: Privet (Ligustrum spp.)

    and H.C. Smith. 2006. Invasive plants field and reference guide: An ecological perspective of plant ... Wisconsin Extension, Fact Sheet A3924-31. Miller, J.H., E.B. Chambliss and N.J. Loewenstein. 2010. A field ... Research Station, GTR SRS-119. Miller, J.H., S.T. Manning and S.F. Enloe. 2010. A management guide for ...
