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  1. Lallemand Field Tech Position

    feeds and resulting manure, taking samples, developing reports, and presenting findings. This person ...

  2. Triticale as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Section 4, Ecological Sciences Tools: ...

  3. Safe Use of the Power-Take-Off (PTO) for Trainers and Supervisors

    is called a power-take-off (PTO). The power source is whatever the PTO is connected to—a tractor, an ... Natural Resources 06/08/2018 Agricultural Safety and Health Program Objective: Use the power-take ... -off (PTO) safely. Trainer’s Note Power-take-offs (PTOs) are used on various machines and lawn equipment. ...

  4. Dr. Osler Ortez

    meeting for making new connections, seeing scientific advancements & getting new ideas to bring back ...

  5. Properly Cleaning and Storing Respirators

    taking the time to put the respirator away, a worker tosses it on the dashboard of the truck. The truck ... is parked in a very sunny spot. A respirator is in an enclosed cab. The cartridge is inside the ... the shape. Keep the respirator in a cool, dry cabinet specifically designated for storage. Review The ...

  6. Ohio Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Requirements: Who Needs to Get Certified and What Steps to Take

    not have a pesticide license, a $30 fee is required to obtain a fertilizer certificate. After taking ... have added fertilizer certification. If you choose to take the exam instead of class, you may retake it ... After taking the three-hour class or passing the exam, ODA will send you an application with a $30 ...

  7. Day of Giving 2024: How Scholarships Change the Student Experience

    upbringing with shaping her into the woman she is today. Raising livestock from the very beginning and ... something scholarships have allowed her to take full advantage of. “Receiving scholarship funding has made ...

  8. Battery Safety

    voltage. Be sure to park vehicles and turn off ignition when connecting cables. Identify the positive and ... jumper cables in the reverse order they were connected. Note: Never let the cable clamps connect when the ... should be between 80 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't make live connection directly to the battery. ...

  9. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    residential lawns, athletic fields, parks, commercial sites, and sod farms, use a shovel, spade, or knife to ... grass and the infected grass. If you are taking a sample from a golf course, a cup cutter is an ... and rainfall), who is using the turf, symptoms, shape and size of the patches, amount or size of the ...

  10. Northern House Mosquito

    Cycle and Habits  Biology Figure 3. Female Culex mosquito taking a blood meal from a human host. Photo: ... color (Figure 5). The egg rafts float on the surface of the water and can vary slightly in shape but are ... generally elongate oval or tear-drop shaped with the surface being slightly concave. Figure 4. Female Culex ...
