
Search results

  1. Former South Carolina Congressman to tackle two issues: partisanship and climate change

    University, Inglis takes his message to conservative groups, NPR, universities, and elsewhere to explain how ...

  2. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    furniture manufacturing sector has contracted.” The goal of the tour is to “show the connection between ...

  3. Climate Change Panel Discussion

    initiatives, and actions students can take in their daily lives. Dinner and refreshments will be provided. Read ...

  4. Youth Scientist Curriculum Adult Education Class- day 2

    utilizing your own neighborhoods, school yards and local parks.  The Youth Scientist adult education class ...

  5. EPN Partners with the Columbus Metropolitan Club for November Luncheon

    architectural masterpiece on the National Register of Historic Places.  Ample parking facilities are nearby. ...

  6. Preventing Slips and Falls During Icy Conditions

    conditions:- Use the proper footwear that can provide some slip resistance and traction.- Take short steps or ... texture to increase traction while walking.- Take extra precaution around livestock watering areas. Ice ...

  7. Michal Wojno's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology Dr. Michael Lilburn, Department of Animal Science                       ...

  8. Healthy Nutrition from Alaska.  How sustainable fishery management provides nutrition and opportunity in Ohio

    presentation will be available through Carmen Connect. Biographcial Information: I have a BSME in Mechanical ...

  9. Reducing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    stress. Other suggestions for managing stress include: ·      Begin to take note of things that cause you ... to feel stressed. ·      Accept the fact that you may not be able to control everything. ·      Take ... ·      Control stress during long work hours or activities by taking a relaxation break or short walk, ...

  10. Conflict and Climate Change from the Little Ice Age to Global Warming

    ongoing projects trace the human consequences of 17th century Arctic cooling; investigate connections ...
