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  1. Natural Gas Drilling: Questions Residents and Local Leaders Should Be Asking

    positively shape their long-term development, sustainability, and quality of life. This fact sheet highlights ... help citizens and local leaders take action. This information can provide a foundation for assisting ... temporary housing facilities such as hotels/motels, trailer parks, campgrounds and RV parks, and rental ...

  2. Eutypa Dieback of Grape

    Eutypa dieback. Figure 2. Cross section from an infected trunk. Note the wedge-shaped area of discolored ... shape to the center of the trunk. The most striking and obvious symptoms of Eutypa dieback are the leaf ...

  3. Safe Use of Harvesting Equipment with Cutterbars

    cutterbar and back up. Shut off the engine and, with the parking brake engaged, shift the transmission into ... park or neutral. Pull the plugged crop in the knives away from the cutterbar. Check the cutterbar for ...

  4. Estimated Return-to-Seed of Variable vs. Uniform Corn Seeding Rates

    quadratic, or quadratic-plateau shape (Figure 1). The economic optimum seeding rate (EOSR, or seeding rate ... (RTS) response by taking yield at each seeding rate times $3.75 per bushel, and subtracting the cost of ... shape of response in Illinois was the quadratic-plateau (Figures 1 and 3). The EOSR in the Illinois ...

  5. Sand Bioreactors for Onsite Wastewater Treatment

    a 3-bedroom home the system takes up 360 square feet.   Figure 1. Septic tank effluent (left) and sand ... with small holes are installed in another gravel layer and a pump is connected to apply the wastewater ...

  6. Nurturant Grandfathering: Mentoring Work

    338). Simply being a grandfather does not take much effort. However, grandfathering is more than being ... commitment to be present and participate actively in his grandchildren’s lives. It also means he takes ... mentoring work strengthens a grandfather’s personal connection with his grandchild and makes that ...

  7. Viral Diseases of Plants

    with an electron microscope. Most plant viruses are either rod-shaped or isometric (polyhedral). TMV, ... potato virus Y (PVY), and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) are examples of a short rigid rod-shaped, a long ... flexuous rod-shaped, and an isometric virus, respectively. Viruses consist of an inner core of nucleic acid ...

  8. Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle

    other lady beetle species, with a domed, round to oval shape. The name "multicolored" refers ... pronotum (top covering of middle body part) of a black regularly to irregularly shaped "M" or ... to lay eggs (Figure 2). The oval shaped eggs are yellow and typically laid in clusters of about 20 on ...

  9. Using Cover Crops to Convert to No-till

    conventional tilled fields because it takes 7 to 9 years to improve soil health by getting the microbes and ... matter and humus. See OSU Extension fact sheet "Understanding Soil Ecology and Nutrient ... convert nitrogen to amino acids and protein. Microbes generally take up nitrogen faster than plants, so if ...

  10. Pollinator Quick Guide: What You Can Do to Help Native Bees

    bloom from early spring through fall. An abundance of different flower shapes, sizes and colors will ... appropriate. By observing flowers in private and public gardens and taking note of flower visitors, gardeners ...
