
Search results

  1. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 2000-2005

    dairy economics/marketing. 2003 Joseph M. Miller Brown Swiss breeder Born near Camden, Ohio in  Preble ... for Darke County Adult Programa. Volunteerism has been a way of life for Joe Miller and his family. ...

  2. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    furniture manufacturing sector has contracted.” The goal of the tour is to “show the connection between ...

  3. Multi Scholar Program Promotes Meat Science and Helps Puerto Rico

    filing a void, and to connect the dots from livestock practices to meat products and meat quality. I hope ...

  4. Data Show Faculty Profiles are Important

    related to the pertinent people involved, thus, connecting you to your current events and happenings. Have ...

  5. Bangladeshi Graduate Student Addresses Food Insecurity in Home Country Through Research at Ohio State

    reproduce enough the sustain a population that then has the potential to threaten the ecological systems of ... ecological integrity, Alam is confident that his studies at Ohio State will better prepare him to tackle ...

  6. Experience OSU for a Day Hosts & Fall Semester Schedules Needed!

    Hosts are encouraged to take their shadow(s) to class, the Oval, the Union, a room in Nosker House, and ...

  7. Healthy Nutrition from Alaska.  How sustainable fishery management provides nutrition and opportunity in Ohio

    presentation will be available through Carmen Connect. Biographcial Information: I have a BSME in Mechanical ...

  8. Conflict and Climate Change from the Little Ice Age to Global Warming

    ongoing projects trace the human consequences of 17th century Arctic cooling; investigate connections ...

  9. Earth Day at the Schiermeier Wetland Research Park

    In celebration of Earth Day 2013 The Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park ...

  10. Buckeye Vet Exploration Day

    will take place  Saturday, September 24 at 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. in the Veterinary Medicine Academic ...
