
Search results

  1. Ohio State Agronomists Offer Free Webinars for Corn, Soybean and Wheat Growers

    take advantage of a series of free webinars taught by agronomists from Ohio State University’s College ...

  2. Chow Line: Use-By, Sell-By, Best-By Dates Don’t All Mean the Same Thing

    the use-by or best-by date? I’m so confused! Take heart. You’re not alone in your confusion. Most ...

  3. Winter Walk, Pruning Workshop Ahead in Secrest Arboretum

    anyone who takes care of outdoor plants, from homeowners to commercial landscapers. Taught by Ken ...

  4. Environmental Science Student Symposium Is Wednesday at Ohio State

    associate in SENR. About 1,000 students a year take ENR 2100 in the classroom, while enrollment in the ...

  5. New Pesticide Applicator Training- September 28

    choose what exams you would like to take during the check-in process at the beginning of the day. ... receive study materials. It can take 4-6 weeks to receive your study materials. We recommend that you ... apply for your license before taking this course. A representative from the ODA will be available on ...

  6. Testing Livestock Forage and Feed Samples Colder Weather Animal Care

    side of the bale. When sampling ensiled forages such as haylage or corn silage, taking hand grab ... gallon pail, mix thoroughly and take a representative sample for analysis using a scoop. When sampling ...

  7. How Drones in the Sky Can Help Land and Water: Nov. 12

    water. “ Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Environmental and Ag Applications Take Flight ” goes from 7:15-9:15 ...

  8. Extreme Cold, Winter Conditions Now Could Mean Even Higher Beef Costs Later

    time period, the issue takes on even more seriousness now thanks to record cattle prices. Those are due ... “So producers need to ensure they take care of their herds from an animal welfare standpoint because ...

  9. Corn Prices Expected to Improve

    the demand for corn as a result of the potential expansion of E15 use because of the time it will take ...

  10. Organic Farming Conference Features Record 27 Ohio State University Presenters, Feb. 16-17

    Ohio’s largest sustainable food and farm conference.  The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s ...
