
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Keep it simple to plan for healthful holidays

    once a day or not at all. Take a 15-minute brisk walk every day after dinner. While this small amount ...

  2. Late-Planted Soybeans Require Slight Management Changes

    taking advantage of the mild weather to catch up on planting after delays earlier during the season kept ...

  3. Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

    24, in the Ohio Union. Seating for the dinner will take place at 11:45 a.m. and 2 p.m., and all guests ...

  4. 4-H Opioid Display Offers Prevention and Drug Education for Ohioans

    “Good or bad choice: Cindy takes more medicine than instructed,” and “John discovers an object that may ...

  5. Chow Line: Debate continues over ‘disease’ label

    doctors to take more ownership in helping patients with weight-loss efforts and encourage more discussion ...

  6. Chow Line: Stock up and plan for snow day lunches

    need to be aware that they take time to prepare ­— at least an hour using a “quick-soak” method. The ...

  7. 92-Year-Old Receives Degree from Ohio State

    pride that we take these steps to recognize your successes in life,” said Bruce McPheron as he conferred ...

  8. Family Fundamentals: Take small steps to save on monthly bills

    add up. Take shorter showers; run your washing machine and dishwasher only when full; don’t let the ...

  9. Save the Date: Farm Science Review Is Sept. 20-22

    Science Review through new innovations and take part in educational programing that offers information on ...

  10. Panel to Discuss Manure Storage Options, Benefits to Farms and Water

    them will take the stage at this year’s Manure Science Review. Co-hosted by Ohio State University’s ...
