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  1. New Nitrogen Test, ‘Subsurfer’ Injector Among Highlights at Manure Science Review Aug. 6

    research arms, respectively. The event takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Hord Livestock farm ...

  2. Congratulations Mike Day!

    Story: ASAS Taking Stock or click through to July 9 Taking Stock Day earns Animal Physiology and ...

  3. Swine Virus Will Impact Production, Prices in 2014; Strict Bio-security Essential

    wear and bring back to the farm,” Moeller said. “ I suspect some individuals will not want to take the risk ...

  4. Study Abroad Numbers Double at Ohio State's College of Food, Ag, Env Sciences

    its students take part in study abroad programs on average, compared to the university's overall ...

  5. Top Tips to Save Money, Use Sprayer Efficiently

    so many things that could go wrong when using a sprayer, growers need to take extra time to ensure ...

  6. Tour the Solar House

    State students and/or take a walk around the 3-acre research lake in Chadwick Arboretum North. The ...

  7. Zero Waste, Big Benefits: Ohio State to Hold Course on Large-scale Composting

    such as food waste, into soil nutrients and soil amendments.” Now in its 13th year, the course takes ...

  8. Project Focuses on Improving Food Pantries in Rural Food Deserts

    Martha Filipic COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio State University Extension is taking part in a five-year, $4 ...

  9. Fall Gypsum Applications Improve Soil, Increase Sulfur and Calcium for Next Crop

    not always immediate as time is needed for the reactions in soil to take place. As rain droplets ...

  10. Across the (Corn) Field, Brutus Buckeye Puts Multi-Hybrid Planting on Center Stage

    shuttles from the west end of the Review’s main grounds take visitors to the field demonstrations, as well ...
