
Search results

  1. Chow Line: Keep it simple to plan for healthful holidays

    once a day or not at all. Take a 15-minute brisk walk every day after dinner. While this small amount ...

  2. Chow Line: Stock up and plan for snow day lunches

    need to be aware that they take time to prepare ­— at least an hour using a “quick-soak” method. The ...

  3. Panel to Discuss Manure Storage Options, Benefits to Farms and Water

    them will take the stage at this year’s Manure Science Review. Co-hosted by Ohio State University’s ...

  4. Chow Line: Cranberries not just for Thanksgiving

    Environmental Sciences. Note: Chow Line is taking two weeks off. Watch for the next column on Friday, Jan. 10. ...

  5. Family Fundamentals: Take small steps to save on monthly bills

    add up. Take shorter showers; run your washing machine and dishwasher only when full; don’t let the ...

  6. Late-Planted Soybeans Require Slight Management Changes

    taking advantage of the mild weather to catch up on planting after delays earlier during the season kept ...

  7. Ohio Climbing Up in Wine Production

    us,” Steiner said. “We had to replant or retrain a lot of vines.” Any newly planted vines take about ...

  8. Blueberry, Brambles and Winegrape Production Workshop Offered July 15

    more widely known, growers in Ohio can take advantage of increasing consumer demand for these foods by ...

  9. Chow Line: Safety first at u-pick farms

    Martha Filipic I’m taking my children to pick-your-own farms for the first time this summer. Any ...

  10. Energy Farming? Bioenergy Crops Workshop Set for April 8 in Piketon

    a workshop taking place April 8 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Ohio State University's  South Centers at ...
