
Search results

  1. Winter Feeding Guidelines for Sheep and Goats

    metabolism must increase in order for it to keep warm and that takes additional energy.  The lower critical ...

  2. Credit Reports

    charges, they did not make.  Thieves sometimes will take a small amount from your account and then return ...

  3. Organic Farming Conference Features Record 27 Ohio State University Presenters, Feb. 16-17

    Ohio’s largest sustainable food and farm conference.  The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s ...

  4. New Pesticide Applicator Training- September 28

    choose what exams you would like to take during the check-in process at the beginning of the day. ... receive study materials. It can take 4-6 weeks to receive your study materials. We recommend that you ... apply for your license before taking this course. A representative from the ODA will be available on ...

  5. Soybean Acres Increasing, Corn Declining

    takes them, the better, said Harold Watters, an OSU Extension agronomy field specialist. “They want to ...

  6. Live Smart, Post Photo, Win Chance at Ohio State Football Tickets

    a 30-minute session someone could take over lunch-- and other ways to learn online, too,” Seger said. ...

  7. Chow Line: Why Is Corned Beef Pink?

    with corned beef. However, because corned beef is a tougher cut of meat, it does take longer to fully ...

  8. Commercial Grape and Wine Workshop Offered Dec. 3

    said. Participants will also be able to take part in a sensory evaluation, including tasting various ...

  9. Buckeyes Win Big in National Dairy Competitions

    judging team members take classes in genetics and get firsthand experience in evaluating animals for ...

  10. Chow Line: Safe Halloween Treats Without the Scary Tricks

    have had a chance to inspect those goodies at home. One good way to inspect the candy is to take ...
