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  1. 12 Days of Experts: Take These Steps for Healthy Holidays

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- If visions of sugarplums and other holiday treats dance in your head, materialize in your mouth and then on your hips, you’re not alone. It’s that time of year. ...

  2. May 1: How Are Human, Animal and Environmental Health Connected?

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Links between human, animal and environmental health-- factors in the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa, for example-- are the focus of May’s monthly breakfast program of the  Environmental Professionals Network. ...

  3. International Society of Arboriculture Honors Dan Herms

    past 30 years. It's enhanced the way our arborists practice their work, so taking the time to ... the past 30 years. It's enhanced the way our arborists practice their work, so taking the time to ...

  4. New stink bug factsheet for soybean growers

    direct damage to the seed, it doesn’t take a huge number of the pests to cause an economic loss, ... the bugs, he said. To do that, growers need to take multiple, 10-sweep samples with a sweep net in ...

  5. Taking a Bite Out of Food Waste


  6. Early Season Forage Considerations

    will be necessary to do either a quick “flash” grazing pass to take off the top of the grass plants and ...

  7. Microwave Method to Determine Forage Moisture Content

    takes about 20 minutes to complete, the measured moisture concentration is much more accurate than those ...

  8. Scout for Alfalfa Weevil

    the bucket.  This action will dislodge 3 rd and 4 th instar larvae stages.  It may take a visual ...

  9. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the Midwest for the Second Year in a Row

    been preparing for any potential future outbreaks, taking to heart all the lessons learned from the ...

  10. Drought Stressed Corn as Silage

    locations within the field and take an average to get ears/acre. Pick two ears at random from each measured ... drought stressed corn has smaller lighter kernels.   Therefore take your kernels/acre figure and divide it ...
