
Search results

  1. CD Wire- November 2, 2021

    Ohio Clean Marinas Team will be conducting either virtual or in-person site visits at Ohio State Park ... plan for some cold weather field work:) State Park Marina Counties: Ashland, Ashtabula, Athens, ... are offering a limited number of Virtual Presentation opportunities to take place in a separate ...

  2. Increase in seasonal worker visas a temporary solution for Ohio’s food and agricultural labor markets

    operations, and especially those with dedicated HR personnel, are more likely to be able to take advantage of ... a solution, legislative, programmatic, or otherwise, that connects US operations with workers and workers with ...

  3. New Training Request Form

    they interact to influence CQ levels. This is a nice introduction before taking the optional CQ ... a nice introduction before taking the optional CQ assessment.   Cultural Intelligence with the assessment ...

  4. Registration for February 2020 Professional Development Workshop is Now Open

    wonderful program that takes your bias-fighting skills to the next level! If you have any questions, please ...

  5. Students Find Tourists Visiting the Maya Biosphere Reserve Willing to Pay to Support Sustainability

    Flores/la Isla de Flores and Tikal National Park. 90% of tourists coming to the region visit that area which ... for sustainable efforts to take hold in the form of direct payments to communities for providing ... to pay (WTP) if the extra cost benefited the community and supported ecological benefits/services ...

  6. Cultivating an Inclusive Environment: Recognizing and Responding to Unconscious Bias

    interactive workshop for will explore how identities, beliefs, and backgrounds shape our perceptions of other ... participants are asked to take a few online tests developed by Harvard University to detect unconscious biases ...

  7. 2022 4H Achievement Scholarship and Awards Due January 28th

    Environmental Sciences  scholarship information and online application College of Education and Human Ecology ...

  8. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Whitney Gherman

    educators experience change, mutually take risks, and advocate for conditions that improve society. In what ...

  9. CD Wire- March 1, 2021

    take place between OSU Extension CD educators and Central State University Extension CED educators. The ... the first collaboration and where it will take place in Ohio. I want to thank my OSU Extension CD ... remember: "It takes two flints to make a fire."  -Louisa May Alcott ...

  10. Graduate Student Association (GSA) Virtual Happy Hour

    Join us and connect with fellow graduate students on Friday at 5pm! ...
