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  1. New Online Tool Helps Well Owners Understand Water Test Results

    recommendations about whether the well owner should take remedial action. Guidance on well maintenance and ...

  2. Spring Planting: Planting Corn During Optimal Time One Key in Getting Corn Planting Off to Good Start

    the optimal planting times for corn in Ohio-- is just one of several key measures growers can take to ...

  3. Gypsum Spread on Farms Could Help Keep Water Clean, Not Green

    too. Dick’s research is taking place on farms in the Maumee River watershed as well as around Grand ...

  4. Power Farming: Ohio State Tests Bioenergy Crops for Fuel, Combustion

    take away good land from food production," said Rafiq Islam, a soil, water and ... provide as much biomass as grasses because it takes several years to harvest them, but they can be planted ...

  5. Sessions Aim to Improve On-Farm Safety of Fruits, Vegetables

    producers should be taking to reduce the risk of produce-related foodborne illness, no matter what’s ...

  6. Cold Winters Hard on Pond Fish: What You Can Do

    kills in ponds. But there are steps you can take to help fish survive, said an expert at The Ohio State ...

  7. 2015 Sessions for On-Farm Food Safety Training Scheduled

    representative, and take-home materials to prepare for successful water sample collection,” Hoover said. The first ...

  8. Ohio State’s Newly Developed Intelligent Sprayer Reduces Pesticide Use, Off-target Contamination

    said. “They don’t take into account the amount of foliage present at different growth stages.   “But the ...

  9. Study Provides Insight on Residents of Rural Food Deserts

    operate, and what steps they take in gaining fresh fruit and vegetables.” Among the study’s findings: Most ...

  10. OSU Dairy Economist: Milk Prices, Global Export Demand and New Margin Protection Program Will Be Topics to Watch in 2015

    a program that allows them to take a stake in their own national safety net policy,” he said. “For the first ...
