
Search results

  1. Ian Lastoria Fischer

    outdoor sports, connecting with people, and studying topics related to global geopolitics, general ...

  2. Rumpke Landfill Tour 10.17.2024- FULL

    Please Note: This tour is full. However, we are taking names for a waitlist and plan to schedule ...

  3. Wellness Walk Trail Update for August 19th

    walking sticks and wear hiking shoes if you have them. We will go slow and take lots of breaks. It is ...

  4. Peace Corps

    Connect with the Peace Corps at OSU: Valerie Fronczak | OSU Peace Corps Campus Recruiter  ...

  5. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Ramawatar Yadav

    science hires of Dr. Alyssa Essman (Agronomic Weed Extension) and Dr. Eugene Law (Weed Ecology), Ohio ... at Iowa State University- his Dissertation focused on "Multi-tactic ecological strategies to ... develop diverse weed management strategies based on improved knowledge of weed biology and ecology. What ...

  6. MS Program

    be required to take additional specialized courses as directed by their Student Advisory Committee ... Biology Turfgrass Science and Management Weed Ecology   Research Research  in our department focusses on ... plants and diverse aspects of their genetics, biochemistry, ecology, management, quality, utilization, ...

  7. PhD Program

    be required to take additional specialized courses as directed by their Student Advisory Committee ... Biochemistry, and Molecular Biology Seed Biology Turfgrass Science and Management Weed Ecology   Research ... ecology, management, quality, utilization, and associated social dimensions. Learn more about our faculty ...

  8. Wellness Walk 8/19

    strolls around parks in Warren County. These will be slow and peaceful walks, perfect for Monday mornings. ... start your week and boost your health and wellbeing. We will meet in the park’s parking lot, do brief ...

  9. Wellness Walk 8/5

    strolls around parks in Warren County. These will be slow and peaceful walks, perfect for Monday mornings. ... start your week and boost your health and wellbeing. We will meet in the park’s parking lot, do brief ...

  10. Wellness Walk 7/22

    strolls around parks in Warren County. These will be slow and peaceful walks, perfect for Monday mornings. ... start your week and boost your health and wellbeing. We will meet in the park’s parking lot, do brief ...
