
Search results

  1. Garden Walks at Toledo Botanical Garden

    Can you identify a flower just by its petal? Or fragrance? Or size? Or do you just enjoy taking in ...

  2. Garden Walks at Toledo Botanical Garden

    Can you identify a flower just by its petal? Or fragrance? Or size? Or do you just enjoy taking in ...

  3. Garden Walks at Toledo Botanical Garden

    Can you identify a flower just by its petal? Or fragrance? Or size? Or do you just enjoy taking in ...

  4. Garden Walks at Toledo Botanical Garden

    Can you identify a flower just by its petal? Or fragrance? Or size? Or do you just enjoy taking in ...

  5. Junior Fair Board

    proven leadership abilities  and are willing to take on major responsibilities including:  - Assist in ...

  6. Lucas County Fair

    te extension office.  Project Judging will take place on Saturday, July 6 from 9 am- 12 pm. Please ...

  7. Backyard Poultry Certification

    get your backyard flock off to a great start. This self-paced course is expected to take 2-3 hours ...

  8. January Virtual Book Club, Lives of Weeds

    inevitable and essential, and how their ecological success is ensured by tireless efforts to eradicate them. ... He links botany, history, ecology, and evolutionary biology to the social dimensions of ... humanity's ancient struggle with feral flora, and shows how weeds have shaped—and are shaped by—the way we ...

  9. Food Security and Access to Healthy Food

    OSU Extension, Lucas County utilizes the Socio Ecological model, on page 56 in the Dietary ...

  10. Nature Makes Me Feel Good (preschool) at Toledo Heights Library

    Preschoolers and families, connect with nature this fall and learn ways to improve your emotional ...
