
Search results

  1. Nutrient Management Plan Development Workshops Announced

    farm clientele. Nutrient management plans take soil fertility recommendations one step further and ...

  2. Liabilities & Security Safeguards

    situation and the steps you will need to take. Changing your password / log-in information may be necessary. ...

  3. Soybean End of Season To-Do List

    region. So it is time for folks to take these things seriously and know what fields these pathogens are in ...

  4. Soybean Cyst Nematode CAN be Done in the Spring

    out OSU Dept of Plant Pathology Ph.D. Student Horacio Lopez Nicora’s take on “How to Properly Sample ...

  5. More Opportunities to Take Hops Production Tours

    PIKETON, Ohio — Next Wednesday is the deadline for growers and others interested in learning more about hops research at The Ohio State University to register to attend the June 5 tours of hop fields in Piketon and Wooster, organizers said. ...

  6. StrengthsFinder Workshop

    will take the Clifton StrengthsFinder inventory to learn their five strongest talents. By focusing on ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-22

    them, from the field taking as much soil as possible with the plant. 2. Carefully remove as much soil as ... is likely the start of the drier than normal pattern that takes us into this winter. We will keep you ... is located at 4240 Range Line Rd, Custar, OH. July 30 Central Ohio Agronomy Field Day David Miller ...

  8. Late Harvest and Grain Quality Concerns

    reduce test weight. Thus the enlarge kernels will take more space but weigh the same, allowing fewer ... ability to take up water, their drying rate, the rate at which sugars are used up, and embryo dormancy ...

  9. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association Annual Conference


  10. West Central Ohio Precision Agriculture Day: Combine and Drone Technology

    dealers on combine setup for harvest will take place in the afternoon. Live drone flying demonstrations ...
