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  1. 10 Tips to Get the Most out of Your Sprayer

    Spraying season is just around the corner. Just take a moment to review some common sense ideas ... when the wind speed is likely to cause drift. Don’t take the risk of getting sued by your neighbors ...

  2. Some last minute tips to manage diseases before we hit the planters

    resistance that we most commonly deploy takes many genes (quantitative) to manage the particular disease and ...

  3. Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide?

    PLPANT-CER-06). Before making your fungicide decision, take a look at the scab forecasting system (www.wheat ... Twisted Wheat: Cold temperatures or herbicide damage?). It may take up to 7-10 days before the level of ...

  4. Improving Yields through Fertility Agronomy Day

    can set up fields to maximize profits while minimizing environmental impact. It all starts with taking ...

  5. Armyworm and Cover Crops

    early to mid May in southern Ohio and mid to late May moving further north. Armyworms take shelter ...

  6. Hybrid performance with and without various transgenic traits – Ohio trends

    costs. Others want to take advantage of the premiums offered for non-GMO corn. Growers who have not ...

  7. Soybean seedling issues – a perfect storm

    extra-long (3 to 4 weeks) time underground during this stressful 2017 growing season.  Aim to take stand ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-29

    much as 1000 seeds per plant. The problem with this weed is that it can completely take over hay fields ... roots of the plant. If you take a knife (carefully) and scrape away at the side, you will see “pepper ... Generally, it takes 30 GDDs to lower grain moisture each point from 30% down to 25%. Drying from 25 to 20 ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-29

    should take the opportunity to examine the hybrids they have growing this year to decide if they should ... by its 4 to 8-inch long cigar-shaped, tan lesions on leaves. Because of their large size, having as ... in fields where winds are blocked by trees. Take note of the variety and don't plant this in ...

  10. OSU Extension Shale Development Information for Landowners 'Gave Me Confidence'

    advised McCleary to take the agreement to a lawyer with experience in oil and gas leasing issues before ...
