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C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-40
sampling after corn as stover holds a considerably higher amount of potassium than soybean stalks. Take ... different treatments that have an equal number of replications. What exactly does that mean? Let’s take ... during the Central Ohio Agronomy Day on Dec. 16. The event will take place in Founders Hall at the Ohio ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-28
period of time, and takes longer to dry out. The roots have a very difficult time penetrating this. ... seeds per pound. If the soybean plants experienced stress, seed size will be reduced, and it will take ... Bowling Green, take St. Rt. 582 exit from Interstate 75, turn west about 2 ½ miles. The field day is free ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-18
first 10 to 20 rows of corn next to the wheat and thus treating the corn next to wheat should take care ... (614-292-9081 or Directions to Western Branch: From I-70, take SR 41 south approximately ... around to the right of the large white barn and park near the pine trees. Harvest Aids For Wheat Authors: ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-08
stage, early-planted corn may take longer to reach the V4 stage than later-planted corn.- the primary ... Pelletized lime is typically finer than ag-lime, so its ENP value may be higher meaning that it takes less ... to achieve the desired neutralization. Let’s take that same 3 ton per acre recommendation and use an ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-39
much more susceptible to herbicides compared with taller plants next spring. Take advantage of this ... take soil fertility recommendations one step further and start to assess the environmental concerns of ... OCWGA and OSA, which will take place immediately following the close of the symposium. Agenda and ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-19
replanting will often be cost prohibitive with remaining stands above 30,000. So, take many stand counts ... plants if we take those pots, plant them again and re-flood them. Sound like some of our field situations ... takes some time even under warm soil conditions, but the conversion occurs faster than anhydrous ammonia ...
Mid-Season Soybean Diseases – What can we Predict?
combine these 3 strips first and separately– take the average, then go through the rest of the field. ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-20
a 2 to 3 inch rain moves through a field, the soil becomes saturated and then it doesn’t take much wind ... dig plants, don’t pull them, from the field taking as much soil as possible with the plant. 2. ...
Ohio State’s Andersons Program in International Trade Offers New Research on How Carbon Taxes May Impact the North American Aluminum Industry
faced a loss of market share with aluminum producers in other countries taking on production. Sheldon ...
C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-31
deteriorate over time if it is allowed to do so. There are several measures one can take prior loading grain ... licensed applicators. Finally, one last measure one might take to reduce the chance of insect infestation ... that is well mixed. Take a small sample of the composite and submit it to a reputable lab. Labs ...