
Search results

  1. Correction: Statewide Tour Series Features Hops Production, Aquaponics and Urban Agriculture

    Ecological Food and Farm Association, Hogan said. OSU Extension is the outreach arm of the university's ...

  2. Chow Line: More fruit, veggies in school lunches

    2012. Those new standards are required for the 100,000-plus schools taking part in the National School ...

  3. Chow Line: Use Halloween to coach moderation

    habits, and that won’t happen if you take complete control. Rather, store it in a place that’s out of ...

  4. 4-H Opioid Display Offers Prevention and Drug Education for Ohioans

    “Good or bad choice: Cindy takes more medicine than instructed,” and “John discovers an object that may ...

  5. Using Liquid Manure to Fertilize Wheat? Consider Timing, Nitrogen Content

    ammonia nitrogen portion is readily available for plant growth. The organic nitrogen portion takes ...

  6. No-till Field Day to be Held Sept. 2 in Western Ohio

    2015 Ohio No-till Field Day on Sept. 2. The event will take place from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the ...

  7. Chow Line: In college? Study labels for calcium

    and teeth. If there’s not enough calcium in the bloodstream, the body takes it from your bones in ...

  8. Chow Line: New to pickling? Do your homework

    pickled from acetic acid from vinegar in a process that takes just a few days. If you have a burpless ...

  9. Mental Health First Aid: Helping Ohio State Help Ohioans

    organizations like OSU Extension are now taking part in mental health training across the country. Already, more ...

  10. Frost Seeding Easy, Inexpensive Way to Improve Pastures

    pastures and hay fields can consider taking advantage of the still-frozen grounds and try frost seeding now ...
