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  1. Plant Discovery Day is Saturday, May 11

    Our annual, perennial, herb, and woody plant list is linked below! Parking and admission are free. ...

  2. Volunteers needed for ATI Learning Gardens planting

    Planting Party  on  May 16 th  from  10:00-2:00  in the ATI Learning Gardens. Planting will take place in ... the Terrace, Urban Walk and Gazebo.   Take your lunch break in the Gardens!  To volunteer, please ...

  3. Get your tickets! Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at Great American Ball Park with the Reds

    Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at Great American Ball Park with the Reds The 4-H programs of ... each ticket sold through  this link  back to our organization! On this City Connect Friday, be sure to ...

  4. New Student Orientation

    tests determine which math and English classes you will take during your first semester.  Not all ... students will be required to take placement tests, but most are.  If you are required to take placement ... is not available at the time of orientation, you will need to take the placement tests and your ...

  5. Future Students

    hands-on experience, and a vibrant campus community. This is where your dreams take root and grow into ...

  6. Admission Requirements

    University) Official high school transcript If you plan to take the ACT or the SAT  test, please release the ... planning to take the SAT, Ohio State's SAT code is 1009.  Non-Ohio Residents If you are a non-Ohio ...

  7. Future Freshmen

    become part of our vibrant community. Explore the possibilities and take the first step towards an ...

  8. SEEing the Possibilities

    also providing opportunities for student employees to take part in professional development and ... job, academics, and future career connect.  Finally, the SEE program provides opportunities for student ... also provides an opportunity for supervisors to connect to each other during the SEE supervisor monthly ...

  9. GENSTDS 1201T College Orientation

    physical card with you to print) OSU Wireless Make sure you are connected ...

  10. Next Steps After You Apply

    ADMISSION Here are the steps to take after you've applied for admission: Activate your username and ... (Please note that it may take several days for received items to be reflected on your status page. Please ...
