
Search results

  1. Canning Time: What To Know About Preserving Summer Garden Yields  If you frequent farm markets, grow your own, or have some shared with you, taking advantage of ... this winter * How many pounds of tomatoes does it take to make 7 quarts of juice?  About 23 pounds of ...

  2. As Cattle Producers Gain, Crop Farmers See Bottom Fall Out

    offer over the next 12 to 24 months.  I can say that it will take a well thought out plan to help ... do if the market climbs above, or falls below, your expectations? Finally, you can take all the ... follow your expectations?  Were the marketing tools you utilized the best to “take what the market gave ...

  3. Find Your Comfy Spot and Kick Back- It's Good Self Care

    day, it’s where I like to relax and enjoy the outdoors. I either park in a comfortable chair on our ... fulfilled, and grounded in ourselves.” Health benefits gained by taking care of yourself Self-Care needs to ... burnout Stronger relationships Sometimes self-care is about connecting to others- scheduling lunch with ...

  4. Home Schedules Can Make Life Easier

    I can’t wait to see where life takes them.  As you read the list below take time to see how these might be ... compliment every day.  We often take for granted the contributions they make to life and saying “thank you” ...

  5. Graduate Faculty Accepting New Students

    on the ecological and conservation value of vacant land. This work takes place in Cleveland, Ohio ... insects interact with harmful and helpful microbes and the ecological and evolutionary forces shaping ... Mary Gardiner The Gardiner Lab studies the ecology of urban greenspaces. Much of our work focuses ...

  6. Bug Fest at Taylor Farm Park, New Albany

    Are you a friend or foe with bugs? BugFest will be your chance to become a friend with the different bugs that you can find in our garden space. Not only will you get an up close look at a variety of bugs at The Ohio State University's Department of ...

  7. 2024 OSU/OTF Field Day Registration

    take place rain or shine. No refunds will be available within one week of the event. Cost to Attend OTF ...

  8. Adventures Of Going Off To College Come With New Responsibilities

    a credit card works is another key financial concept.   A credit score takes a long time to build when ... take a long time to rebuild.  Since landlords, insurance companies, and future employers may utilize ...

  9. ODA Sponsoring Chance To Dispose Of Unwanted Pesticides

    Speakers: Joe Boggs, Eric Draper, Jim Chatfield, Paul Snyder Take a stroll through Secrest Arboretum and ...

  10. Graduate Student Meet & Greet

    Join us on August 19th at 12:30pm and make meaningful connections with Entomology students, staff ...
