
Search results

  1. Sen. Voinovich Learns About Bio-energy, Climate Change Research at OARDC

    project, whose purpose is to take animal manure (an environmental concern) and food-processing leftovers ...

  2. Prion Test Would Allow Early Detection of Mad Cow, Other TSEs

    fighting a hidden enemy. In the case of mad cow disease, it takes anywhere from two to eight years for ...

  3. Ohio Bull Test Preview And Sale Coming Up At EORDC

    The preview, March 1 at 10 a.m. and the sale, April 19 at noon, will take place at the Eastern Ohio ...

  4. Family Fundamentals: Plan now to help control holiday costs (for 11/09)

    giving, and estimate how much you want to budget for those items. Then take a look at your savings or ...

  5. It takes sweet molecule science to concoct your favorite treats like rock candy

    After you divide up your Halloween loot and before you dive face first into a peanut butter cup, think about this: A whole bunch of molecular reactions had to occur to bring you that gooey goodness.  We know, we know — trick-or-treating is about  eating   ...

  6. Ohio State Agriculture, Medical Researchers Test Berries as Cancer-fighters

    We also want to establish connections between the grower and the consumer." Clinical trials ...

  7. Communiqué July 23, 2014

    out on utilizing what you do best for your organization. Participants in this workshop will take the ... you do well (your strengths) drives sales performance. Developing your strengths takes time, talent, ...

  8. Communiqué March 4, 2015

    Crop Science Carl Maresh; professor and chair, College of Education and Human Ecology, Department of ...

  9. Seven Sources of Power

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  10. Soil Sampling Only Way to Catch Silent Robber of Soybean Yields

    the roots from taking up vital nutrients. The result is a drop in yields and subsequent economic ...
