
Search results

  1. Mad Cow Nervousness May Drive Consumers Away from Beef

    unchanged,” said Roe. “And roughly speaking, for every 1 percent of supply you take away from the ...

  2. Family Fundamentals: Don't bust the budget: Occasional expenses can add up (for September 2006)

    Managing this type of fund can take a number of different forms. Some people just deposit the money in ...

  3. Family Fundamentals: Take it slow when returning home after being away (for 12/2007)

    consider these guidelines:-- Be patient and flexible with the children, but not a pushover. Take things ...

  4. Tall Fescue Could Be the Perfect Lawn Grass for Ohio

    should take a hard look at tall fescue for a number of reasons: • Long roots allow for drought and heat ...

  5. Ohio State Curriculum to Incorporate Animal Welfare Topics

    production begins in the classroom, and they are taking a proactive approach to instill that responsibility ...

  6. New Ohio Master Gardener Coordinator Appointed

    do an outsanding job taking our Master Gardener program to a new level." Bennett holds ...

  7. Take Steps to Reduce Compaction Before Spring Planting

    planting." Farmers can take steps to better manage compaction in the future by following these tips: ...

  8. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Any Reindeer Games? (for the Week of Nov. 30, 2008)

    running, and take off running, too. Provided they learned the drill as calves. Know what that reindeer, the ...

  9. Ohio Legislators Tour OARDC; Learn About Renewable Fuel, Energy and Products Research

    Frontier-funded Biomass-to-Energy project, whose purpose is to take animal manure and food-processing leftovers ...

  10. Floriculture Visiting Chair Promotes University Presence in Industry

    industry and ranked 6th in the nation, it takes the commitment and expertise of the Ohio State University ...
