
Search results

  1. Third Annual Night Insect Walk Scheduled for July 21

    around corn and alfalfa plots; and a landscape or yard trail, which will take visitors through crabapple ...

  2. List of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds Keeps Growing

    said smooth pigweed might not create headaches for growers if they take the necessary management steps. ...

  3. Warm Winter Weather Could be Trouble for Wheat

    winter because the plant is still dormant. There is little or no metabolic activity, so the need to take ...

  4. Israel Rural Development Expert to Visit Ohio State University

    The seminar will take place at 1:30 p.m. in Research Services Room 130, 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster. ...

  5. OSU Extension Offers Cheese-Making Workshop

    "Hands-on Basic Cheese Making" will take place April 2-4 at the OSU Extension office in Ashtabula ...

  6. Learn How to Trade Carbon at OSU Extension Workshop

    market. The carbon credits meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at the Shelby County Ag Center, 820 Fair ...

  7. OSU Extension to Hold a Cheese-Making Workshop

    farmers will take this opportunity to examine this value-added opportunity. This course could increase ...

  8. Still to Receive American Horticultural Society's Highest Honor June 10

    of one way his department and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences connects ...

  9. Look to Research-Based Data for Usefulness of Ag Products or Practices

    It's not as clear cut as the word out there seems to suggest." The take-home message: Use ... the desired benefits. • Take a lesson from the first law of thermodynamics (that states that energy ...

  10. Live Grain Rescue Demo a Highlight of Ohio Safety Congress and Expo

    take place April 1 from 10:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Ohio State University Extension's Agricultural ... actions to take prior to the arrival of first responders, extrication techniques using a coffer dam, types ...
