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  1. Ohio State Launches New One Year Master’s Degree Program in Applied Economics

    Logan, Chair of the Department of Economics at Ohio State. “We designed a program that takes advantage of ...

  2. Seed treatments for Watermolds and Fungi that affect soybean in Ohio

    seedling and kill it.  So the seed treatment will take care of these situations, if the seed is already ...

  3. Are you seeing purple wheat?

    your fields tested recently, we suggest taking a soil sample to evaluate soil fertility. Disease: ...

  4. Application of Manure to Newly Planted Wheat Fields

    very little rain in the nearby forecast, and the wheat crop could take advantage of the manure ...

  5. Wheat Heading, Flowering, and Head Scab Risk

    Feekes 10.5; Once the heads are completely out, it may take another 3-5 days, and sometimes longer if ...

  6. Making Shale Development Work for Ohio

    short-run effects on employment and income of the coming shale oil and gas boom in Ohio. This report takes ...

  7. Nitrogen Application to Soybean

    <6.0.  We suggest taking a soil sample and adjusting soil pH to be >6.0 to maximize nitrogen uptake by ...

  8. Ohio State Launches New One Year Master’s Degree Program in Applied Economics

    Logan, Chair of the Department of Economics at Ohio State. “We designed a program that takes advantage of ...

  9. Honors requirements for students transferring into SENR

    take a bit of time as you look into their research areas, make contact with them, and meet to discuss ...

  10. OSU Agribusiness Club Meeting

    take an annual trip within the U.S. each year. ...
