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  1. Harvesting Corn for Silage A Tough Decision

    have a chance to develop and take nutrients out of the leaves," said Lentz. Additionally, once oil ...

  2. Emerging Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    of the things a grower can do is split the plant lengthwise and take a closer look at the growing ...

  3. Conversation for Connection

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  4. Busy Soil Microbes Provide Macro Field Benefits

    long-term and in order to take advantage of the microbial stimulation provided by organic amendments, they ...

  5. Tree Liners Give Purpose to Retractable Roof Greenhouses

    of time. If it normally takes three years to grow a tree in the field, with a $75 average price on ...

  6. OSU Extension Survey Sheds Light on Green Industry Labor Force

    labor force," said Mathers. "Businesses can be more successful if they take a greater interest ...

  7. OSU Extension Heifer Program Seeing Success

    The purpose of this program is to take what has been successful in other state replacement heifer ...

  8. On-Farm Savings Not Hard to Come By, If You Know Where to Look

    necessary to break up compacted soil. "The deeper you go, the more power it takes," said Reeder. ...

  9. Communiqué April 2, 2014

    Capitalizing on what you do well (your strengths) drives sales performance. Developing your strengths takes ...

  10. Ohio State Researchers Conduct Key Studies on Destructive Ash Pest

    trees. “That determines how far out from an infested site an eradication effort will have to take ...
