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  1. Agricultural Education Society Meeting

    Meeting will take place in the Ag Admin Auditorium. ...

  2. Local Impacts and Successes

    "Now after taking EFNEP's Eat Smart-Be Active, we are all on fat free milk.  My son didn't ...

  3. Agricultural Education Society Meeting

    Meeting will take place in the Ag Admin Auditorium at 7pm. ...

  4. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    of spring 2016 ($13.37/cwt). Spring is also the time of year when markets naturally take a dip as ... their milk. The government’s solution to now counter the policy will undoubtedly take more time than it ... take a hit, but it may not be until after the heat of summer. A price drop is especially convincing ...

  5. Establishing Alfalfa

    than 15 acres, then a single soil sample will suffice.  If the field is larger than 15 acres, take ...

  6. Home Gardener Lecture- The Frugal Gardener

    Greenhouse and Nursery Make It- Take It Projects Fun hands-on ideas to reduce, reuse & recycle in the ...

  7. Alumni Board to Host Fall Event

    Administration Auditorium from 3-5pm. Judging will take place at 3pm, so all entries should arrive at 2:30pm. ...

  8. Seven ACEL students selected for AZP

    build valuable and professional leadership skills. These seminars will take place throughout the year, ...

  9. Dining with Diabetes: Beyond the Kitchen

    create an account with to take advantage of all the materials. For questions or ...

  10. Running the NRC Dairy Cattle Model Software on Windows 7 64-bit Operating System

    upgrade your computer.  It will take a few steps and some virtual elbow grease to get there.  To download ... file that will take some time to fully download. Once finished, double click on the file to run it, and ... "yes").  This will set up Windows XP on the Virtual PC and will not need to be done again.  This will take ...
