
Search results

  1. Researchers Domesticating Amazonian Fish for Conservation

    growth rate with the catfish in six months would take yellow perch to reach in five years, by comparison. ...

  2. Ohio State’s Dean of Food, Ag, Environment to Step Down

    executive vice president of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation.  "Bobby has excelled at connecting our ...

  3. Prospective Plantings Not a Surprise. It's Weather that Could Shape Grower Decisions

    April 7, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – There are many factors that drive crop producers' management plans, but ultimately the weather may make the decision for them. U.S. growers are projected to plant record soybean acres this year, fewer corn acres than an ...

  4. 'Operation: Military Kids' Brings Kids, Parents to Campus

    Douthwaite, her three children, two nieces and a nephew, take a break from the soccer, lacrosse and track ...

  5. Keep in Mind Insect Pests When Planting Soybeans

    scout their fields for the presence of the insects as the growing season wears on and take appropriate ...

  6. Got Water? Crop Thirst Depends on Soil Type

    available water capacity for plants," said Slater. "As a result, it takes large amounts of water ...

  7. Evolving Precision Agriculture Technology Fattening Farmers' Wallets

    applications at $15 an acre per year. Plus taking into consideration the time and fuel the farmer saves and the ...

  8. Animal Welfare Programs Foster Human/Animal Relationship

    also holds a partial research appointment with the OARDC. "These training programs take it one ...

  9. "Emerging" Problems Plague Corn/Soybeans

    of the things a grower can do is split the plant lengthwise and take a closer look at the growing ...

  10. Harvesting Corn for Silage A Tough Decision

    have a chance to develop and take nutrients out of the leaves," said Lentz. Additionally, once oil ...
