
Search results

  1. Flying high with 4-H

    have a dream, go for it.”  Hullinger posing with a remote control helicopter. Hullinger taking a group ...

  2. Rural childcare an important topic at Farm Science Review

    of the children. Eight in 10 farm families (86%) take care of children on the active farm worksite ...

  3. Preserve and protect your bounty of summer produce

    food. Because many food items perish very quickly, we can extend the life of our food by taking steps to ...

  4. Ticks and mosquitoes are waiting on you

    Colorado tick fever, tularemia, and ehrlichiosis. When spending time outside, everyone should take ... you should avoid going outside and enjoying the summer. “We all just need to make sure we are taking ...

  5. Ohio State receives $4.9 million to train climate-ready workforce along Lake Erie shoreline

    District, and The Junction Coalition Community Connections. The Ohio project is one of nine projects funded ...

  6. Teaching tomorrow’s leaders

    their club: “My favorite part about volunteering with 4-H is helping kids connect the dots between how ... life. The discipline it takes to raise an animal translates to what it’s like to be responsible for ...

  7. 2024 Good Natured Garden Partners

    events that take place on Monday n ights throughout the summer. After all their hard work growing their ...

  8. Naturalist Series: The Magic of Native Plants

    The Magic of Native Plants- How to Create an Ecologically Functional Landscape We often separate ... ourselves (and our landscaping) from the rest of the environment, but we are connected, and our landscaping ... choices can have a profound impact on our local ecosystem. Learn how to use native plants and ecological ...

  9. Agriculture Innovation Center to support value-added agriculture in northeast Ohio

    disconnected and dispersed throughout the region,” Inwood said. “By connecting the resources, promoting their ... Farm Bureau, Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, Ohio Proud, Ohio Produce Growers & ...

  10. Shared Harvest

    "Park" while their food is being loaded.  With the addition of onsite registration, lines will take ...
