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  1. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    professor of Wildlife Ecology, Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware ... agriculture (i.e., the “Corn Belt”) now poses as an ecological barrier to migration. This is supported by the ... passage like how migrants negotiate other ecological barriers. Lastly, I will discuss how widespread ...

  2. SENR to host global education sessions

    a three-and-a-half-week adventure to study the social and ecological dynamics in the Wet Tropics region of North ... Australia, students are expected to develop an understanding of fundamental ecological principles and the ... takes place through education abroad. "The additional value of education abroad programs is the ...

  3. Agronomy & Farm Management Podcast Episode 144 – Dealing with DON

    (, Lisa Mitchell (Gerald Grain (, and Seth Miller (The Anderson ... ( take us behind the scenes of their operations to look at testing, grain flow and market impacts. ...

  4. Still Be Mindful About Fall Armyworm, Especially in Forages and Turf

    confused with other species, but a good identifier is an inverted white “Y” shape behind the head. (Figure ...

  5. SENR welcomes new faculty

    leads the Microbial & Ecosystem Ecology Lab and whose research integrates microbiology and ecosystem ... ecology to gain a holistic understanding of aquatic ecosystems. Dr. Wyatt’s current research investigates ... emissions from aquatic environments. His research has been published in the Journal of Ecology, Freshwater ...

  6. ATI Turfgrass Scholarship Golf Outing

    a memorable day filled with friendly competition, camaraderie, and the chance to help shape the future. ...

  7. SENR Announcements, August 16

    interests! SENR also welcomes Devin Mingesbruney, who joins the Terrestrial Wildlife Ecology Lab (TWEL) to ... Lopez-Nicora,  Urban greenspaces shape soil nematode community across soil depth gradients: Belowground life at ... The Ohio State University,  Ecological Indicators, Volume 166, 2024, 112399, ISSN 1470-160X,  ...

  8. Explore Majors

    challenges locally, regionally, and globally.   Connect your environmental interests and passions to a major. ... >> work in a local, state or national park >> understand how climate change impacts the ...

  9. Hallie Stelzle

    she worked at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in the Division of Parks and ...

  10. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 24 – Drought Resources

    community.  OSU Extension has aims to provide support for farmers. Please take a few minutes to go to our ...
