
Search results

  1. Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Spring Plant Sale

    May 6 and 7 is free, with convenient parking (see map below). Friends of Chadwick Preview Party:  ...

  2. Seeing (and using) the good in manure and keeping our water clean, too

    specialist for OARDC’s outreach partner, OSU Extension. “Every positive step we take in properly applying ... manure is a positive step in the direction of better water quality.” “Every positive step we take in ...

  3. OARDC scientists are helping Ohio prepare for, defend against avian flu

    emphasis has been on taking biosecurity to a new level to avoid spread of the disease, and focusing on our ... mortality disposal methods right on the farm.” “The emphasis has been on taking biosecurity to a new ...

  4. The 2018/2019 Farm Bill: An Early Assessment

    by Congress. The next farm bill process is anticipated to take place in 2018 or 2019. ...

  5. 2017 OARDC Annual Research Conference

    need transportation from Wooster to Columbus and ask that you take advantage of this resource by ...

  6. Grafting Workshop

    bud grafting. Rootstock and scion will be provided. Participants can take grafted plants home to ...

  7. Organic Crop Field Day

    U.S. Department of Agriculture organic program, the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, other ...

  8. Ohio’s got hops — thanks to OARDC scientists

    annually. At 4 pounds of hops per barrel, that takes 4 million pounds of dried hops, which cost more than ...

  9. Wheat Field Day

    station. OARDC is the research arm of the college.   “It is my hope that wheat producers will be able to take ...

  10. Rededication Ceremony and Field Day

    rededication program starts at 2 p.m. Afterward, wagons will take attendees on tours of the station’s grounds ...
