
Search results

  1. COVID-19 and Food Safety

    symptomatic. Take outs and delivery. There are currently no reports that take-out or drive-through lead to ...

  2. Now Hiring!

    designing modification and/or adaptations to irrigation system to meet specific needs. 4. Help take down and ...

  3. Agenda

    Landscape of Healthy Food Choices (Wallick I) Connecting the Community to Extension via Sharing Gardens ... Social Marketing as a Strategy for Building Well-Connected Communities (St. Charles II) 1:35-1:40 ...

  4. Brazil Gateway

    The Brazil Gateway serves as a mini embassy for Ohio State University to foster connections and ...

  5. Now Hiring!

    modification and/or adaptations to irrigation system to meet specific needs. 4. Help take down and hang new ...

  6. CFAES Graduate Students Selected for Distinguished Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security

    pool of applicants to attend this year's Borlaug Summer Institute, which will take place from June ... is advised by Sally Miller.  Improving food processing technologies and strengthening market linkages ...

  7. Let's JAM!

    and take home a jar they helped make!  Class size is limited to eight, so please register early. Cost ...

  8. Seminar: Venezuela in Crisis

    Cultural Connections: “Where Culture Meets Agriculture” Speaker: Victor Paez – Iglesia Biblica Bautista de ...

  9. Environmental Professional's Breakfast: “One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health-- Protecting People and Planet”

    2201 Fred Taylor Drive Columbus, Ohio 43210 Parking:  Parking is free but you must have a pass which ... you can download and place on your dashboard, whether parking across the street or behind the 4-H ...

  10. Now Hiring!

    modification and/or adaptations to irrigation system to meet specific needs. 4. Help take down and hang new ...
