
Search results

  1. Maintaining Quality Grain in Storage

    barley, grain sorghum, shelled corn, or any other grain on your farm for extended periods, you must take ...

  2. Is Your Herd Positioned for Profit?

    Auglaize County  Agriculture & NRCD With the current price of milk, dairymen must take a serious look ...

  3. Western Dairy Management Conference and Study Tour

    trip will take us to the coast, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the Muir Woods National Monument redwoods. ...

  4. How to Adjust a POSILAC® Supplementation Program to a Temporarily Limited Supply of POSILAC

    the end of lactation. It takes 4 to 6 weeks (ramp-up period) for cows to maximize milk production and ...

  5. Protecting Teat Skin During Winter

    should not be used during times of extreme cold because these dips may take over twenty minutes to dry. ...

  6. Feed Prices are A-Changin'!

    returned from his sabbatical leave and will take up this topic again. It’s no surprise to anybody in the ...

  7. Dairying by the Numbers- A Challenge to be the Best: Summer Activities

    Beginning inventories – If you didn’t take a January 1 inventory of seed, fertilizer, pesticide, and other ...

  8. Factors to Consider in a Program for Heat Detection

    in the morning and as late in the evening as possible.  Take note of the animals that stand still and ... breeding program.  As such, the dairy producer should take this responsibility seriously and consider ...

  9. More Milk- Good for Me? Good for Our Industry?

    day lighting, or use of Posilac® (Monsanto Dairy Business, St. Louis, MO). Let's take a closer ... selecting superior genetics, and many other practices we take for granted every day. I believe that more ...

  10. Milk Production Enters Slow Growth Phase- Will Milk Prices Rebound?

    As we approach the midpoint of the 2003 calendar year it is time to take stock of where we are ... milk production taking place to support the higher prices we experienced in 1999 ($14.35) and ... a percentage basis over the next year. If the past is a guide, it will take 3 to 5 quarters of reduced milk ...
