
Search results

  1. Ohio 4-H Conference

    The 2015 Ohio 4-H Conference will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on ...

  2. Trellis Entrance

    Located near the northwest corner of the Agriculture Administration Building's parking lot, ...

  3. Communiqué April 30, 2014

    Wardman Park. Federal energy and agricultural professionals, congressional staff, Extension agents and ... This ‘go link’ will take you directly to the guidelines posted online:  ... community members. Take some time to check out the revised and updated guidelines. One of the measures of ...

  4. Communiqué March 27, 2013

    and in our college will take place over the next 12-18 months. The college name locked up with the new ... college on how the implementation will take place and opportunities we have to strengthen our visual ... decade. It will also take a detailed look at the North Central Region, focusing on poverty, unemployment, ...

  5. Iron Chef

    sessions during the Iron Chef Clinic while judging is taking place.  Awards and closing are 3:30-4:00 pm. ...

  6. Safe Zone Training

    a step they want to take.  Regardless of where you are, the Safe Zone Project was created to provide ...

  7. National Coming Out Day

    National Coming Out Day also takes place in October. It is an internationally-observed civil ...

  8. Holiday 2-for-1 Offer

      To take advantage of this offer, click on the holiday 2-for-1 form at the right, print the form, and ...

  9. Food Safety Modernization Act Changes the Way Fruits/Vegetables are Handled

    take effect until 2017 – 2019. Chief Gerhardt explained that ODA will approach the law by educating ...

  10. Beef Cattle School

    is Sept. 28. To reach the Eastern Agricultural Research Station, take exit 28 off I-77. Turn south on ...
