
Search results

  1. Purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)

    heart-shaped or rounded at the base. Stem: 4 to 6 sided woody stem. Hairless or short-upward pointing hairs. ...

  2. Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)

    purple spotted. Flower: Flowers are small, white, and borne in umbrella-shaped cluster about 3" ...

  3. Musk thistle (Carduus nutans)

    Multi branched spiny stems 1.5'-6' tall. Flower: Large disk-shaped showy red-purple flower ...

  4. CFAES dean recognized in celebration of Women’s History Month

    about who I am and prove that credibility, but I don’t focus on it, which allows me to take leaps. ...

  5. Gift cements collaborative alliance in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology

    opportunities in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology. The gift establishes the Winous Point Wetlands and ... wildlife ecology,” said Tim Haab, interim director of Ohio State’s SENR. “This investment will position us ...

  6. Bedtime or go time? Observing what animals do during a total solar eclipse

    Scientists from The Ohio State University and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium are taking advantage of the rare ...

  7. RESCHEDULED: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    feedback we unlock the power of connection and growth. So, how do you accept accountability without taking ... trust-building.-aware of how extending grace to offenders can inspire empathy and connection.-better able to navigate ... Appreciate the role of extending grace to offenders in fostering growth and connection. Navigate difficult ...

  8. Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection

    take 5 hours of recertification credit every 3 years. The specific requirements are: 1 hour of Core ...

  9. Workshop: The Gift of Accountability: How to Respond When Someone Calls You In/Out for Causing Harm

    opportunity for personal growth and connection and how it’s received determines the outcome of the ... interaction. So, how do you accept the gift of accountability with grace instead of taking it personally or ...

  10. (Speaker Series) Cultivating Understanding: Engaging with Opposing Views in Agricultural Discussions

    person with someone who takes issue with things central to our very being. In this interactive talk, ... a pioneering role of connecting to food and family influencers while at Monsanto.  A member of the National ...
