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  1. New Applicator Training- In Person- August 21, 2024

    Publishing.  We recommend that you apply for your license before taking this course. A representative from the ... industrial sites, power stations, parking lots or similar areas for the control or eradication of unwanted ... taking this course. You must pass the core test and at least one category test to receive your license. ...

  2. Lee Wilson

    I have worked on several projects concerning the epidemiology, etiology and ecology of pathogens of fruit ...

  3. Online Recertification for Commercial Pesticide Applicators

    refunds for these online recertification courses. After registering, it can take up to 24 hours to receive ...

  4. Pigweed Identification Guide

    first true leaves of Palmer amaranth, which are more egg-shaped. In the vegetative stage, pigweed ...

  5. A Guide to Corn Growth and Development

    other pointed-tip leaves. This first oval-shaped leaf is the starting point for counting leaves using ... stalk expansion and leaf losses. As with earlier stages, without the oval-shaped leaf (leaf one) as ...

  6. Kindergarten: Nutrition and Fitness

    physical activity —Make family time fun by playing games, riding bikes, playing at the park, and being ...

  7. Stephen Obol Opiyo, PhD

    phenolic compounds that may serve as biomarkers in native oaks. Forest Ecology and Management 312:154-160 ... Unique to Manchurian Ash, a Species Resistant to Emerald Ash Borer Journal of Chemical Ecology ...

  8. 4-H Spark EXPO

    the eighth grade at the conclusion of the 2022-2023 school year. Taking place June 12-15, there were ...

  9. Horacio Lopez-Nicora

    distribution of host resistance in a coast live oak/sudden oak death pathosystem. Forest Ecology and Management ... 4105-4122. ( Testen, A. L., Walsh, E. K., Taylor, C. G, Miller, S. A., ...

  10. Licensing

    a government agency like a township, city, school district, park district, etc., and applicators who apply to ... property of another for hire, or solicits and takes orders to apply pesticides. It is also required for ... solicits and takes orders to apply pesticides, or conducts diagnostic inspections for wood-destroying ...
