
Search results

  1. Dr. Callan Lichtenwalter joins the Department of Animal Sciences

    connecting them to real world experiences that allow them to succeed beyond their time on campus. She is ...

  2. Yellowstone to Yukon: Enhancing Rocky Mountain animal migration through remote sensing and international collaboration

    Movements (Room2Roam) project. Room2Roam is funded through the NASA Ecological Forecasting Program and is ... to potential threats, and connections to information about the conditions experienced by wildlife, ... in ecology at Ben Gurion University in Israel and a PhD in civil and environmental engineering at ...

  3. Dr. Stephen Boyles retires following decades of impact on beef producers nationwide

    retirement traveling the country with his wife– his high school sweetheart– visiting national parks. He also ...

  4. Dr. Sandra (Sandy) Velleman retires following three decades of industry leadership

    worked extensively with children with connective tissue disorders before returning to Connecticut and ...

  5. Solar Eclipse Information and Viewing Guidelines

    minutes of darkness. The eclipse will take about 2.5 hours. The moon will begin to pass in front of the ... approval logo can be counterfeited. Activities taking place on OSU Wooster Campus include the Bug Zoo and ...

  6. Internships

    to real world situations as they connect theory with practice.  Students will acquire work related ... (student interning somewhere for the summer and not taking any additional classes at Ohio State), the ... course (e.g., student interning in the Autumn semester while taking a regular course load, or enrolled in ...

  7. Cindy Coy retires after decades of contributions to Animal Sciences research

    role, she began taking lab science courses at Ohio State ATI and working in Dairy Science, assisting ...

  8. 2024 Annual Research Forum Poster Competition

    This forum presents an opportunity for you to showcase your research and connect with fellow CFAES ... and $150, respectively. Presentations will take place on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, in Columbus. Winners ...

  9. Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification Courses for Wayne & Holmes Counties

    Osu Extension – 330.264.8722   February 9, 2024 (Friday) Drake Park 352 Greeley St., West Salem, OH ...

  10. With The Time Change, Consider Tossing Habits That Inhibit Good Night's Sleep

    phones away from the table during mealtime.  Take walks outside with conversation, not texting.  ... Taking the time to move every 30 minutes is another encouragement and working from home it’s easy to lose ... children, take a walk, play ball or while they are at their events use the time to walk with another parent ...
