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  1. Art with Arthropods at the United Titanium Bug Zoo

    aesthetic value and ecological importance of these creatures. Let’s create some art with the residents of ... the bug zoo! We will create two 6x6 panels – one for you to take home, and one which will be entered ...

  2. Wayne County Fair Livestock Auctions, Add-Ons Bring In About $1.78M

    trailers from all the fair supplies that were needed to take care of their animals. The OSU Extension staff ...

  3. Introductory Insect Field Biology

    ENTMLGY 1260 Biology of insects and their relatives, with emphasis on behavior, ecology, and ...

  4. Insect Ecology and Evolutionary Processes

    abundance of insects with a focus on general ecological and evolutionary principles. Prereq: Grad standing, ...

  5. Local Workshop Helps Older Adults Reduce Their Fear Of Falling

    falls by 31 percent.             In our workshops, we take fall prevention step-by-step, so participants ... learned in Stepping On.             If you would like to take steps to prevent falls, I hope you will ...

  6. Pork Prospect Event

    Pork Prospect is an experience designed to connect undergraduate students with swine ... production. Their project aims to connect younger first year students with swine production early in their college career so ...

  7. Teresa Popp

    background in the ecological impacts of species invasions and the adaptive responses of organisms to ...

  8. A Cultural Experience In Arizona Brings Attention To Values, Belonging

    Several of the guests talked about how strong the family connections were in a city of about 540,000 ...

  9. Friendly Advice On How Children Can Build Forever Relationships

    about how it takes a long time to grow friendships.  A recent article in Psychology Today reinforces ... that the special bonds we have with individuals don’t happen by chance, but it takes time, effort and ... understand when we are frustrated or mad.  Being a good friend takes those who accept us at our best and ...

  10. Farms Need An Emergency Plan

    to prepare for the unexpected. A farm emergency can take many forms.  We have the current example of ...
