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  1. ACEL to hold spring banquet

    Education, and Leadership will celebrate the end of the academic year. The celebration will take place in the ...

  2. Monitor Wheat for Risk of Head Scab

    the next two to three weeks. On average, it usually takes about 5 days from full head emergence ... flowering could take a bit longer to occur and the flowering window could be much wider under cool ... symptoms to make a fungicide application. It usually takes two to three weeks for symptoms to develop; by ...

  3. Fair Demos and Canning Tomatoes

    this winter. *How many pounds of tomatoes does it take to make 7 quarts of juice?  About 23 pounds of ...

  4. Healthy Choices

    We all know that spring is on its way, it’s just taking its time getting here.  Along with the ...

  5. Credit Reports

    charges, they did not make.  Thieves sometimes will take a small amount from your account and then return ...

  6. Beef Production Practices and Consumer Trends

    that every additional heat cycle before a successful pregnancy takes away 50 pounds of weaning ...

  7. Winter Feeding Guidelines for Sheep and Goats

    metabolism must increase in order for it to keep warm and that takes additional energy.  The lower critical ...

  8. Heiby and Nicol selected for national agricultural education symposium

    the science in agriculture.  “I am excited when our young educators seek opportunities to take their ...

  9. Health Challenge, Mindful Eating

    and see what a difference it might make in your life?  In our hurried up rushed world, we need to take ...

  10. Are You Prepared to Retire?

    Take control over as many things as you can and make plans so that you can enjoy the retirement that ...
