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  1. 4-H News and Notes: April 17, 2017

    April 24th! For any 4-H member taking a sewing project is recommended that you attend the Open House ...

  2. 4-H at the Ohio State Fair

    extensively- however, I do want to take this moment to share and highlight some of the good news and positive ...

  3. Mindful Time Management

    deadlines they may not take into account of what is really important to me?  My priorities may change if ...

  4. Developing the Ohio hops and malting barley industry

    Extension Scioto County, and Dr. Sally Miller of the OSU Department of Plant Pathology are the Principle ...

  5. Summer 4-H Projects And Activities Engage Youth In Experiential Learning

    Animal, and Gardening Project Judging will take place on August 11 th at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. In ...

  6. Plan Now for Frost Seeding Renovation

    will be necessary to do either a quick “flash” grazing pass to take off the top of the grass plants and ...

  7. Canning Preparation

    on your range and how quickly the pressure rises in the canner.  *Take inventory of how much food you ...

  8. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    Centers. This educational opportunity, featuring Horticulture Specialist Brad Bergefurd, will take place ...

  9. NOURISH Curriculum

    Content: What's the Connection? Lesson Plan: Cap Color and Fat Content: What's the Connection ...

  10. Wayne County Dairy Farm Manure Storage Survey

    front and back) and should take most farms no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete.  The survey will ... Dairy farmers are encouraged by survey project partners to take the time to fill out the survey and mail ...
