
Search results

  1. Still Be Mindful About Fall Armyworm, Especially in Forages and Turf

    confused with other species, but a good identifier is an inverted white “Y” shape behind the head. (Figure ...

  2. Explore Majors

    challenges locally, regionally, and globally.   Connect your environmental interests and passions to a major. ... >> work in a local, state or national park >> understand how climate change impacts the ...

  3. ATI Turfgrass Scholarship Golf Outing

    a memorable day filled with friendly competition, camaraderie, and the chance to help shape the future. ...

  4. We're Hiring!

    Ecology and Silviculture | Full Details               ...

  5. Buckeye Grilling Series- Burgers

    grilling supplies, and parking) REGISTER: Registration is capped at 16 ...

  6. Hallie Stelzle

    she worked at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in the Division of Parks and ...

  7. Buckeye Grilling Series- Steak

    all grilling supplies, and parking) REGISTER: Registration is capped at ...

  8. Marijke Hecht

    2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210 Curriculum Vita Primary lab: Learning Ecologies Lab Affiliated ... spaces (e.g., parks, museums) support environmental interest and identity development throughout the ... ecological design. My teaching practice also draws on these disciplines and is structured to strengthen ...

  9. Jim Ippolito

    mixtures influence plant growth, tailing chemistry, and microbial composition? Applied Soil Ecology ... Soil Ecology. 162, 103900. [IF=3.970]. Li, L., Y. Zhang, J.A. Ippolito, W. Xing, and C. Tu. 2021. Lead ... 2 times]. Miller, H., K. Diaz †, H. Hare, K. Borton, R. Daly, J. Blotevogel, C. Danforth, M. Wilkins, K. ...

  10. Farm Science Review

    Crops plot area. Find us between Gates B and C upon entering the FSR grounds from the East Parking Lot. ... at-the-gate ticket price is $15. Children ages five and under are admitted free. Parking is free. FSR hours ...
